This morning was the worst. Due to our unofficial residency we had to leave our beds at 6am. The sun still had not risen. The grass was wet. We were tired and freezing. Nonetheless we soldiered on in search of the mystical and unforgiving Avenue Vert. After twenty kilometers we took a well deserved break, we spread out on a back road as Matthew fixed another puncture. When we did find the Avenue Vert we were surprised at how beautiful she looked in comparison to her southern cousin. 50km of flat, even tarmacadam. We thought we were in heaven. The day flew by as we overtook many tourists to then stop and fix punctures and watch those tourists overtake us once again. But the sun was shining, we were delighted. Even the vicious headwind on the way into Dieppe could not hold us back. It was not long until we were strolling around in our beaters with our frisbee, causing havoc on the bumper cars.